Doubts and questions...

About dolls! Of course! I'm trying to sell my DZ Hal but no one seems to want it. Also, I want to sell my little fee and maybe my pukifee. I don't know why I've grown out of love for them. They just sit there. They're beautiful but... not for me I would say. I prefer Volks dolls or Bluefairy now. I guess taste just evolves a lot. I ordered a Dollfie Dream recently and I can't wait to see what this will feel like. I'm ready to just take a shot with dolls "less common" and maybe "less loved" by the public. I don't want to just have th 1000th Littlefee. It doesn't interest me. I want to have one of a kind dolls that are more interesting (in my opinion of course). So I don't know. I will see what to do. Also... I now want girls too O_o !

Evidemment, les doutes, c'est sur les poupees. Je suis en train d'essayer de vendre mon DZ Hal mais personne n'en veux. Et puis je pense aussi a vendre mon Littlefee et ma pukifee. Le coup de coeur est passer. Ils sont superbes mais pas pour moi...

Photoshoot with Bo

Bo looks very good in black in white :D


Pukifee Luna. She doesn't wanna be a girl, she wants to be a boy. She hates dresses and pink. She will be dressed as a boy and her wig will be a boy's wig.

I'm in love with her! Why the name? Such a small thing needs to have a grand name!

Keegan is here

My Dz Hal is here. I thought I didn't like him but fortunately, I really do. His wig is just temporary, I don't really like the color. However, I'm in love with his face :D !

Mon DZ Hal est enfin la! J'ai cru que je ne l'aimais pas mais heureusement, je l'adore! Sa wig est temporaire, la couleur est trop blonde. J'adore sa figure, il est trop chou!

Waiting for a Dollzone Hall

Such a cute boy! I haven't seen owner pics yet and I'm a little worried... He just shipped today !

New Adoptable! See Adoption Thumbnail!

Mischa is up for grabs !

Coming back...

I'm back to dollies because I love them too much anyways. I just stumbled accross my dolls in their boxes and I wanted to play with them and take pictures. The boys return!!! I'm glad :D!

Je reviens dans le monde des dolls, je les aime trop. Je viens de me trouver face a face avec mes dolls dans leurs boites et ca m'a donner envie de faire des photos. Les Boyz reviennent :D !

Taking a break

So I'm taking a break from the doll community. Some people irritate me and some are just plain rude... I don't know when I will be back but that doesn't mean I don't keep my dollies. I love them still. I am mainly interested in the reborn doll community now, I find that people in there are much more tolerant and nicer than BJD people. It's sad.

Je fais une pause avec la communauter BJD. Certaines personnes m'irritent un peu, d'autres sont rudes. Je ne sais pas quand je reviendrai mais ca n'empeche pas que je garde toujours mes poupees. Je les aime toujours. Maintenant, je m'interesse un peu a la communauter reborn, et je constate que les gens sont plus tolerants et sympas que les gens de la communauter BJD. C'est triste.

Volks Regenmaru

My new sweetheart. His name is Ren-Bo but he is often called Bo. I'm so happy to have him !!!

Volks in waiting...

No, I won't say anything more ^^ !
Sorry for not updating my blog so often, but I am into finals right now and don't have much time for dolls (nor myself haha!). But I'm still waiting a Volks... because I sold Alistair. Bonding Problem... It's sad, but that's life.

Je ne dirais rien de plus ^^ !
Pardon pour le manque de news sur mon site, mais j'approche des exams en ce moment, donc pas mal de taf a l'ecole, plus de temps pour les BJD ( ni moi meme haha!). Mais j'attends quand meme un Volks...

1st girl ! Mischa [Serendipity Freyja]

So Daniel has been traded away and I got this new girl, a Serendipity Freyja. She is sold out and Serendipity does not exist anymore, so I was glad to get her because her face is just so gorgeous !
Her name is Mischa and she can't really stand up right now because her strings are so floppy. I am waiting for her new strings right now so she can run again ^^.

More pictures of Mischa in "TheGirlz" section

Mystery BJD in Waiting

Daniel has been traded away, I could not bond with him unfortunately... So I am currently waiting on another mystery doll... It could be the 1st girl in a boy's orphanage ^^.

Daniel a ete echanger, je n'arrivais pas a m'attacher a lui... Donc j'attends une mysterieuse poupee... Cela pourrait bien etre la 1ere fille dans un orphelinat de garcons ^^.

Photostory 2/ Where 2 brothers find each other

On DOA -> link

Ou sur Passion des BJD en Francais dans le topic de Ryan ^^

Photostory archive in the "photostory" part on the left.

Archives de Photostories dans la partie photostories sur la gauche.

In waiting...

6 business days already since I ordered at Luts. Alistair was like, the fastest doll ever ! He was shipped 3 days after ordering and I got him a week after ! Luts really gets cracking at the time ! I am still in waiting for someone else from Luts, can't tell you yet but... It's going to be a blast ! Ok, I can tell you that it will be a taller being than my kiddos, so approximately 57cm ! Ok, it's a Luts Delf but I am not telling you which mold !

6 jours ouvrables depuis que j'ai commander chez Luts. Alistair a ete le plus rapide ! Du jamais vu ! Il a ete poster en 3 jours et est arriver dans la semaine ! Luts est super rapide en ce moment, c'est top. Je suis toujours en attente pour une autre, je vous dirais pas heu ! Ca va etre super ! Bon, je peux vous dire que ce sera un machin plus grand que mes ptites creatures. Ok, c'est un Delf de 57 cm ! Mais je dirais pas le moule, meme si certains le savent deja !

**~Mood of the day~**: I have class at 6pm and that sucks u_u

New boy at home !

We got a new boy here at the orphanage ^^. He is mute (or doesn't talk, we are not sure). We call him Alistair for now, because we don't really know his name xD. He will have a gray wig and I did his makeup yesterday ! More pictures in the MiniBoyz section.

New Photo shoot with my boyz

Volks Full Choice System (FAQ)

Ok, so what is that? It is a service from Volks, that allows you to get a unique custom doll from them. You can't order it on the internet, you have to go to one of their stores on person, or having someone doing it for you. I found someone who does this on DOA and I ordered my MSD boy sunlight skin with custom makeup. I will not tell you what mold it is yet^^.

Bon, qu'est ce que c'est? C'est un service de chez Volks, qui permet de commander sa poupee unique. On ne peut pas commander en ligne, mais seulement en personne dans leurs magasins (au Japon haha). J'ai trouver un intermediaire sur DOA qui va me le commander depuis le Japon. Je vais avoir un MSD boy tan skin avec un makeup custom ! Je ne vous dis pas le moule tout de suite, surprise ^^.

Picture courtesy of Volks USA/ Ken Mold
Pour plus d'infos/ For more informations: LINK

What on earth is a Ball Jointed Doll ?

This website is dedicated to my crew of Ball Jointed Dolls or BJD. BJD are Asian collectible dolls made in resin. They have ball jointed articulations, which means they can hold different poses. They are somewhat heavy and not so cheap either. The first brand of the market was Volks, a Japanese brand. I hope to have a Volks doll someday, I want to do the Full Choice System ^^. More on that later!

This website is an artistic website revolving around the world of Ball Jointed Dolls and especially around my boys, hence the name BeBoyz. I will show my art work, faceup work and photography work. I think those dolls are very versatile, therefore great for artists ^^.

This blog is in English, but I do speak French, feel free to contact me in either language.

~***~ Mood of the Day ~***~: Stressed out by school