
Bo is a Volks Regenmaru 2nd version with default faceup. He is 25cm and he is now wearing blue eyes from Dollmore (I think) and a custom wig from Hayaku shop.

Name(s): Ren-Bo (nicknamed Bo for short)
Family name: Originally unknown, he was renamed Ren-Bo Jules at the orphanage.
Age: Approx 6 or 7 years old
Family: Unknown
History: Bo popped up at the orphanage on his own, with a little bag and bif blue shoes. He does not want to talk about what happened.
Personality: Very cute and outgoing but refuses to talk about himself. 
Likes: Eating and sleeping and baseball too!
Dislikes: Nothing yet

Pictures of Bo are below, please click on them to view bigger:


Ryan is a BB Dollzone Jing. He is 25cm. For the moment he wears acrylic brown eyes from Dollmore and has now a BlushedRoses long carrot wig. He will keep this wig, it gives him great wild personality.

Name(s): Ryan Jared
Family name: Hughes
Age: 6 years old
Family: Connor's little brother
History: Ryan arrives at the orphanage three years after his brother. He was kept by his aunt but she died of cancer.
Personality: Quiet but not shy, he just chooses not to speak much. When he finally speaks, everyone listens. Natural leader. Has the habit of explaining himself by attacking people.
Likes: Video Games, Movies, Fast food and eating with his hands.
Dislikes: Sports. He is is not very fit, more chubby than anything. Hates when people notice that he is a little overweight.

Pictures of Ryan are below, click on them to view bigger


Sammie was my first tiny doll (25cm). He is a Fairyland Littlefee Rachel boy. He has dark brown hair from Kemper doll and light green glass eyes from Kemper Doll too. Presentation

Name(s): Sammie Kyle
Family Name: Clarkson
Age: 6 years old
Family: None for the moment, he is Daniel's best friend
History: Sammie has been at the orphanage the longest. He was abandoned at birth and lived his whole life here. 
Personality: Very nice boy, laughs a lot, dynamic. Always polite only with adults ^^. Has an issue with hyperactivity. Can't stay in the same spot for more than 2 minutes.
Likes: School, Sports especially soccer, Ninjas and Spiderman.
Dislikes: Spinach, His curly hair, Being laughed at, Doesn't really like computers or video games.

Picture of Sammie are below, please click on thumbnail to see them bigger.